Motion Graphics
- » Harley-Davidson
- » Supermarket
- » Miller
- » Sass Diva
- » Eat Your Lunch
Web Sites
- » IBM Annual Reports
- » Miller
- » Saab USA
- » Sass Diva
- » Fitigues
- » Eat Your Lunch
- » GE Features, AR
- » Sargento
- » Butterball
- » U.S. Bank
- » Allstate
- » Spencer Stuart
- » Hotel Zaza
- » Strathmore
- » HP
- » Motorola
- » Sprint
- » Bosch Tools
- » Grainger
- » Citibank
Motion Graphics

This prototype was created to explore the possibilities of an intelligent kiosk and web-based agent for Harley-Davidson. The main purpose of this “Bike Recommendation Tool” is to understand the customers’ specific riding style, and choose the right motorcycle for them. Created in Flash, the demo illustrates the direction of Rich Internet Applications development, where functionality is tightly integrated with motion graphics for branding and direct marketing.
Programming and motion graphics directed and produced by NORDBOT. Original concept and design produced by AGENCY.COM.
*NOTE* After the project launches in the pop-up window, please click your mouse inside the Flash piece to begin the presentation, then use the spacebar to advance through the demo.

“Godzilla of Liberty” represents the first full collaboration on a motion graphics piece with Five73. Originally conceived as a promo clip for Supermarket, a marketing agency, this experimental motion graphics piece explores the relationship between a New York corner shop and the icon of Japanese science fiction. Cell animation and digital art come together in this poignant story about a run-away national monument. It was recently featured in the August 2003 issue of Defunktion, a digital magazine based out of the U.K.
Due to the demanding playback requirements, the final output format is a Quicktime movie rather than a SWF, even though Flash was used to produce this piece. The end result is more video-like than Flash-like.
Motion graphics directed and produced by NORDBOT. Original graphics produced by Five73. Sound effects are a combination of Godzilla audio samples by Toho, Halo audio samples by Bungie, and various royalty-free samples.

The Rellim Tour screensaver is a piece of visual candy that recreates itself differently at each instance and evolves over time. Assembled from pieces of the Miller logo, the result reinforces their brand while serving as abstract art. It was originally available as an installable screensaver for both PC and Mac from the Rellim Tour web site.
The screensaver is presented here in its raw SWF format rather than packaged in an installer. The stand-alone Flash player is needed to view the screensaver.
Real-time generated design concept directed and produced by NORDBOT.

International fashion and accessory company, Sass Diva, needed a fun, bright web site and an on-line commercial that properly reflected their brand new look. With Sarah Schiller behind the wheel, we created a new identity and produced a web site that features them in a bouncy, colorful interface.
The commercial takes the viewer on a journey in a music video fashion where a head-bobbing tune is accompanied by a combination of vector art and hand drawn animation. It strikes a delicate balance between video-like quality while maintaining light-weight web viewability.
Programming and motion graphics directed and produced by NORDBOT. The Sass Diva brand and character created by Sarah Schiller. Background music produced by Steve Shay. All incidental, royalty-free audio samples are from a variety of sources.

Featured at Apple Pro!
The Lunch Lady is a homepage logo character animation for the children's television and self-described as an “entercation” production company, Eat Your Lunch. The company needed to exude a fun crudeness with their logo, and this animation delivers. The use of various animation techniques brings the Lunch Lady and her attitude to life. It is full of fun, ambient animations after the initial lead-in, so keep watching with your speakers turned up!
Programming and animation directed and produced by NORDBOT and Five73. Original concept and graphics produced by Eat Your Lunch. All sound effects are royalty-free audio samples from a variety of sources.

Featured at Apple Pro!
These robots, called BZOTS, and their children’s show of the same name were created by the masterminds at Eat Your Lunch. The accompanying Official Fan Site is chock full of all the goodies that a BZOTS-head would want, including music, pictures and games.
This particular Flash game has Skree, one of the BZOTS, help kids learn their alphabet. Skree the robot is given very lifelike behaviors and movements via ambient animations. The individual robot parts were animated in time with the audio for the in-game responses and the final “victory dance” sequence.
Programming and animation directed and produced by NORDBOT and Five73. Original game concept, graphics, and sound effects produced by Eat Your Lunch. All incidental, royalty-free audio samples are from a variety of sources.
Web Sites

Designed for the broadband-capable and web-savvy slice of the Miller audience, the Rellim Tour site allowed for very creative use of media-heavy interactivity. The navigation and page transition system in itself was an exploration in motion graphics, but fed with live data, it became a functional tool for those interested in getting deeper into the concerts and more involved with the bands. Along with downloadable items such as wallpapers and screensavers, visitors could also research the bands, watch backstage videos, and get an up-to-date tour calendar. The client never had to touch the Flash piece to update any of the information on this site.
Real-time motion design, production, and data interactivity directed and produced by NORDBOT. Graphics production by Five73. Original concept, design, and production by AGENCY.COM.
* Since the tour is over, the live web site is no longer active.

International fashion and accessory company, Sass Diva, needed a fun, bright web site and an on-line commercial that properly reflected their brand new look. With Sarah Schiller behind the wheel, we created a new identity and produced a web site that features them in a bouncy, colorful interface. The product photos and data structure are streamlined by design and are easily updated by the client.
Programming, animation, interface, data system directed and produced by NORDBOT. The Sass Diva brand, character, and base interface created by Sarah Schiller.

Featured at Apple Pro!
This is the corporate web site for the children’s television production company, Eat Your Lunch. They needed a simple and easy to update web site that allowed them to add as much content as necessary without breaking the design. A straight-forward design coupled with basic content templates addressed those needs.
Designed and produced by NORDBOT and Five73.

Featured at Apple Pro!
What happens when assembly robots decide to follow their dreams rather than follow their programming? They escape the factory and start a band, of course. These robots, called BZOTS, were created by the masterminds at Eat Your Lunch. They approached us to create a web site to launch this children’s show, where kids can read all about their favorite robots, watch video clips of the show, listen to their songs, and play games. Each of the pages were tailor-designed to their individual functions.
Designed and produced by NORDBOT and Five73.

These web applications were produced with technologies such ASP, JSP, SQL, XML, PlumTree, JRun, and Web Services that tie into Flash and DHTML/HTML.
NORDBOT’s role in many of these projects involved complete end-to-end design and production, while others involved working solely on the back-end or the data-connection parts of applications. Some involved full-time design, production, and maintenance of the entire corporate web site.
The purposes of these projects varied from content management to information aggregation to data processing. The design aspects included the creation of banner ads, user interfaces for both web site navigation and control panels, and graphics/layout.
Designed and produced by NORDBOT, DVC, and agency.com.
All trademarks are subject to all U.S. copyright laws and remain property of their respective owners.